Well, Blue Bird didn't go with me today when I met with Els and Brigitte who are visiting from Belgium. (I also saw Karen again too since they stay with her.) Els practically lives here she visits so often and it was fun to finally meet Brigitte after knowing her for many years from an online group. And of course they brought me chocolate - Yumm! I forgot to take Blue and I forgot my camera so I have no pictures to post, but I should be able to see them again before they go home.Sherry
We set up this blog to document our travels. We decided to use a glass blue bird that belonged to Sherry's grandma. Grandma always said that she had a blue bird of happiness on her shoulder and that is how she lived her life. No matter what happened to her she made the best of it and that's our retirement goal. Grandma's blue bird will be traveling with us.More later,